Working around the clock but unfortunately not modelling. Summer season is over and time to get back to what i love most. Cameras ready, ready to flash! 😉
Tag: Tara
No wonder I was exhausted! What a great time I had though!
My only regret? I didn’t shoot Rei… 🙁
The Walk in Mission Beach Australia from Zoe Wiseman on Vimeo.
In the land down under, it takes a lot to disturb others. They generally pass by with a curious look and go on their way without much fanfare. I asked parents with children if they cared before we did this and the response was, “Well, I reckon that’d be alright.” And the look was astoundingly that of “Why ask? Just do it.” So I was able to do something that would have gotten us all arrested in the United States and had a blast doing it. One lady even stopped to applaud us. Oh, just to be back there.
The attreeimages Zoe Fest 2010 video!
I’ve spent the last two days frantically working on this and trying to finish it before I go back to work this morning and I managed to get it done! So here it is….
Bendy Bathroom
I asked all of the lovely ladies to pose for me in the blue and purple bathroom, and most of them I shot with my home made bendy lens, a tradition I started with my second shoot. Sadly I didn’t think to shoot Carly with it, so you’ll have to be satisfied with a straight lens image of her in the bath…Love how the lens gives a painted feel to some of the images….(The missing tenth shoot was when I photographed d-eye in the pool, so no bathroom bendies for him)
Home again
I’m home, and finally have some free time, thank you all SO much for being so patient and friendly!!! Here are a few shots that I’ve processed so far…..Looking forward to catching up with you all again sometime!