
Bendy Bathroom

I asked all of the lovely ladies to pose for me in the blue and purple bathroom, and most of them I shot with my home made bendy lens, a tradition I started with my second shoot. Sadly I didn’t think to shoot Carly with it, so you’ll have to be satisfied with a straight lens image of her in the bath…Love how the lens gives a painted feel to some of the images….(The missing tenth shoot was when I photographed d-eye in the pool, so no bathroom bendies for him)

My first shoot - with straight lens - Carlotta Champagne.
My second shoot - Emma Jayne
My third shoot - Anne Duffy
My fourth shoot - Muse
My fifth shoot - Keira Grant
My sixth shoot - Tara
My seventh shoot - Evie
My eighth shoot - Kiah
My ninth shoot - Madame Bink
My eleventh shoot - Rebecca Pardue

My twelfth shoot - Jessamyn

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