About Zoe Fest

What is zoe fest? I get that question all the time.

Is it a workshop? NO.

Is it a shoot out? NO.

Is it a festival? Kind of.

Is it commercial? NO.

How do you make money? I don’t!

Basically I send out a mass mailing through Community Zoe to let them know it’s happening. Then we all gather in an undisclosed location to hang out, have BBQ’s, go to dinners, watch a slide show from our last years work, drink and be merry, photograph each other, photograph the models, and walk through deserts, rain forests and swim in the oceans together. It’s basically just … MEET HERE! LET’S HANG OUT. No egos, no direction, you do what you want to do. We gather at night and talk shop, mentor each other, occasionally throw food at each other and make new friends and say hello to old one’s. And then we cry when we have to leave and keep in touch with everyone for an entire year afterwards and do it all over again the next year. It doesn’t suck.

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